Angielski z Fifi

Where is Ant Fifi?

Where is Ant Fifi?

Co się działo po uwolnienie Fifi z butelki? I dlaczego przyjaciele uważali, że Fifi miała "smaczne" mieszkanie? Sprawdźcie.

Where is Ant Fifi? (7)
‘Fifi, I have stuck to you!’ exclaimed Kitty who was about to hug his liberated friend. 
‘That’s true’, admitted Pufa and Fufa, ‘Fifi is all sticky.’
‘I think it’s because the inside of the bottle was spread with a tasty glue’, admitted Fifi. 
‘Yes, indeed!’ purred Kitty. ‘After all you lived in a raspbery juice bottle.’
     ‘You had a tasty flat then’, laughed Maurice. ‘Are you sure you want to wash off the leftovers?’
     ‘Yes, I am’, nodded Fifi. ‘Is there a bathroom near here?’
     ‘No’, laughed Kitty, ‘but instead of the bathroom we’ve got a quite nice lake.’
     ‘Kitty, but I don’t have my towel and the toothbrush!’ she was worried.
     ‘Don’t worry! We’ll soon try to solve your problem’, said Pufa and Fufa, and they have disappeared around the bend.
     ‘We will meet by the lake!’ Kitty called after them.
But whether Pufa and Fufa could hear Kitty you will read in the next instalment..

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